
Results 16 comments of emilverwoerd

I bought a couple of M5Stack C3U boards I thought something to play with and put this code on a small form factor. However these boards are only usable with...

Thx for the quick fixes. I tried to compile it and that works. However with boad ESP32**C3** selected it doesn't work its missing stuff

Was reading this post and also want something like this. Want to add some additional sensors to this library. Like the hobbywing protocol so want to sniff it with an...

Hi @ericlangel the code to sniff the package works great. I managed to send telemetry for the following sensors: - Scorpion ESC - Kontronik ESC - (note that these are...

Tried to modify some code to get it to work with ESP32 C3 but didn't work out. There are some changes with the UART and Timers which makes it difficult....

I have solved the timer issues in my code tried to fix the UART issues also although it compiled it didn't work let me check you're code to

checked it with yours and mine code almost the same and have this error ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7330559/158644831-596852e4-caa1-4e29-8751-a7075d6ebb6f.png)

I never looked into the exception decoder will try that. I have the same result with and without sbus cable attached.

okay call me stupid but the error was due the fact I was using this sample code pinMode(16,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(16,LOW); don't have those pins on my board the underlying code works...