I back to CURA 4.13.1 👍
> Here version compatible with all versions of Cura : > > [BigTreeTech 3D Plugin.zip](https://github.com/bigtreetech/Bigtree3DPluginSuit/files/8882316/BigTreeTech.3D.Plugin.zip) ¿This is the same that commented [discip](https://github.com/discip)?
> It works! > > I used @discip download link and @DenPride instructions and it works for me! Thanks! > > @discip "Save as BigTree3D format" is what you choose...
> Sorry, but am I the only one experiencing this odd behavior of the dialog missing one entry? > > In 4.13.1 it looks like this (4 options): ![4 13...
> > > > Same problem here. working in marlin emulation mode but NOT in tft touch mode. > > Srk-mini-e3-v2.0 + blTouchV2.1 + tft-e3-v3.0 + ups-24v-v1.0 > > Tested...