Michal Plichta

Results 12 issues of Michal Plichta

my arista (compiled in gentoo) doesn't transcode when I set conversion: file, destination and device preset and click create, I got: ``` No accelerated IMDCT transform found Traceback (most recent...


I update from 2.3.12 -> 2021.2.0 and when click start in opentrack I got: **"PE3 Eye driver error: camera init failed: Access denied (insufficient permissions)"** What I did: * remove...

Here is small GUI to show problem, or maybe I do it wrong: ``` python from functools import partial import customtkinter global show_switch global font_name def button_callback(app): print("Button click") cfg_edit...

It would be useful to be able disable/enable state tab(s) of CTkTabview: ```python import tkinter as tk import customtkinter tabview = customtkinter.CTkTabview(master=master, state=tk.ACTIVE) tabview.grid(column=0, row=0) tabview.add('Tab1') tabview.add('Tab2') tabview.tab("Tab2").configure(state=tk.DISABLED) ``` Result:...


Is there any way to check current version? Any about dialog? I was 2 version behind since I didn't know way what version I was running and no way to...

`1.4.2` is not listed for 2023.3 branch ![image](https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-micropython/assets/475312/14a207bc-3ea3-40c9-9d3c-e0ddaaa968c8)

somithin like here: https://medium.com/@andymule/micropython-in-pycharms-basic-setup-9169b497ec8a or here: https://themachineshop.uk/getting-started-with-the-pi-pico-and-pycharm/ I spent some time to get working in windows... how to specify path to COM port... under linux is easy :)

# Info I have issue, `pw-dev_script` interfere with `DCS-BIOS`. I use `DCS-BIOS` in my own simple python application (display some data at Logitech G keyboards with LCD) After long investigation...

probably not mypy-tools related but can't fix it: ``` $ python3.6 /usr/local/bin/mypy_server.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/bin/mypy_server.py", line 3, in from mypytools.server import mypy_server File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/mypytools/server/mypy_server.py", line 20,...

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