Also in need for this feature now that AWS has enabled SGs for NLBs
Yes. However what's missing to get the addon working with a fresh cluster would be the prereqs/cert-manager part (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/adot-reqts.html)
Sorry if you got confused. By "yes" I meant that that's what I follow to get it working. Not using eksctl to get adot working As I said in my...
Yup, it's not really a problem of the ingress config but of swirl not being able to handle a path other than the root path as it's base path I'll...
Was this feature ever implemented? Any example? Thanks!
Hi! So basically we've predefined templates for mono repo solutions which mix different tech stacks. So the same template is executed twice within the same pipeline but with a `type`...
I can confirm it does not work. The reports are generated indeed in a separate directory but at the time of uploading the artifact they are uploaded to the same...
Seeing a similar behavior over here against Aurora for PostgreSQL here and `owasp/dependency-check:10.0.3` Process running for over 2hs now and still a good way to go... ``` 2024-08-02T17:38:48+02:00 [INFO] Downloaded...
Any updates on this one? Thanks!
I know, that's why I suggested adding proper documentation that adding tags also requires the use of an additional policy