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Asset loading support for Ember applications
Its not possible to add SRI since engine assets are loaded dynamically based on the meta config. Need an option on meta config to accept integrity, crossorigin attributes.
It implements [Add the script tag after-render](https://github.com/ember-engines/ember-asset-loader/pull/48) thanks, @stefanpenner for the hard work!
A template helper like this would allow folks to use lazy routeless engines with a nice(ish) syntax: ```hbs {{mount (load-engine 'engine-name-here')}} ``` Example implementation (thanks to @mike183): ```js import Ember...
This PR is meant to address a part of #87 . In short, we are generating a manifest from our external addon because some of the host apps that consume...
I have an app already built that demonstrates this error. Please see [this repo](https://github.com/evanfarina/asset-loader-error-host-app). In a nutshell, a fatal error is thrown when visiting an engine's route if that engine...
When an application has more than one ember addon installed that exports a `ManifestGenerator`-extended addon, a meta tag is inserted into the `head-footer` content-for block because each addon has a...
Kinda strange to add to the DOM during just any period, we likely want this to always happen when stuff has settled down. In-theory this could be made pluggable, allowing...
We cannot simply rely on [file name lexicographic ordering from broccoli-funnel](https://github.com/trentmwillis/ember-asset-loader/blob/7063ad527e1d00b1a57d64187ed296e02b08c8ce/lib/generate-asset-manifest.js#L29-L34) for generating the asset manifest. Since `ember-asset-loader` respects the ordering in terms of insertion order (which matters) we need...
Hey, I am having an issue with lazy engines + fastboot resulting in a FOUC. So far, I have nailed it down to 2 issues, 1. [This code](https://github.com/ember-engines/ember-engines/blob/06116a0b4ffdf90208b608d9581016f78a8887b8/addon/-private/router-ext.js#L233) from ember...