
Results 6 issues of embbo

## Description when we need to call periodically register function why we need to unresgister // Unregister the server from the discovery server. retval = UA_Server_unregister_discovery(server, clientRegister); //retval = UA_Server_unregister_discovery(server,...

## Description I am trying to compile for stm32 (LWIP ,Freertos) certificate using mbetls libraries using Eclispe. -> Its works fine if I Disabaled //#define UA_ENABLE_ENCRYPTION -> after giving all...

Priority: Low
Status: Pending
Component: Encryption
Component: Arch

## Description I am trying example open62541/examples/discovery/server_register.c with embedded device stm32 . It complies fine and opcua server starts . but I am unable to register #define DISCOVERY_SERVER_ENDPOINT "opc.tcp://localhost:4840" should...

## Description I am trying open62541 to build for stm32 , It build fine.FreertosLWIP as its working with old version. but in New version (v1.3.3) when I tried to connect...

Hi I am trying tou build prgram for stm3241G-Eval board , but i am facing problem with ALL Rtos LWIP realted programs , any one has clue , whats wrong...