Emanuele Massara
Emanuele Massara
It does not seem to add much: ``` Sep 08, 2020 10:28:16 AM FINE jenkins.plugins.slack.StandardSlackService Posting: to #MY-CHANNEL on faceit: {"attachments":[{"fallback":"Slack/Jenkins plugin: you're all set on https://MY-JENKINS-URL/","color":"good","fields":[{"short":false,"value":"Slack/Jenkins plugin: you're all...
No urls, as you could see some logs are using the FINE level. When I've created the logger as instructed I set to log "ALL".
Ok, we've got something: ``` Sep 08, 2020 2:28:21 PM FINE jenkins.plugins.slack.StandardSlackService Posting: to #MY-CHANNEL on faceit: {"attachments":[{"fallback":"Slack/Jenkins plugin: you're all set on https://MY-JENKINS/","color":"good","fields":[{"short":false,"value":"Slack/Jenkins plugin: you're all set on https://MY-JENKINS/"}],"mrkdwn_in":["pretext","text","fields"]}],"link_names":"1","unfurl_links":"true","unfurl_media":"true","channel":"#MY-CHANNEL","as_user":"true"}...
Ok, I have found one issue, while I was checking the configuration. I had this thought: let's try one more time since the beginning - New App, new token starting...
thank you for the quick fix on the saving @timja :+1:
Thank you very much. It is not really a bug, looking at the code it seems more like the desired behaviour. For example steam id 76561198098058712.
I've also tested with the approle instead of the Kubernetes authentication, and it still does not work, I have the same problem. Unless the latest version of the plugin is...
Hi @jetersen , sorry I don't understand what you mean with "apply JWT". I've done some more tests, I have created a free style job which does a simple bash...