Enrique Manjavacas
Enrique Manjavacas
same here with ubuntu 16.04, gnome (using Intel HD Graphics 520)
Hey, I believe bca9516 fixed some previous hacks with the CNNs, it's an old commit I had lying around. I am surprised I hadn't pushed it before. I haven't used...
Sorry I wont have time for this in the coming months, busy PhD time.
We could include an option to select the lr scheduler. That's easy since it's just swapping the pytorch lr scheduler and adapting the step call. If you have the code...
I'd like to see if that Dice loss can help with any of the tasks more or less reliably. It'd require expanding LinearDecoder. It could be added as an extra...
Are you testing this on a gpu? On Fri, Aug 7, 2020 at 3:09 PM Thibault Clérice wrote: > Note that the improvement I noted are highly dependant of the...
I am quite busy right now, so it will take some time until I can look at this. My impression is that gpu will actually be slower, since parallelizing is...
I realize I never answered to this! I think this would be a cool addition indeed.
Did you find out why?
What was the issue? Re: threshold. You are right. I never got to use it and was kept a 0.0. However, note that there are 2 thresholds here. One is...