Results 34 issues of Eli Young

I see that the ability to retrieve environment variables was added in #2. Would it be possible to get a new release with this functionality added?

This is dependent on gnachman/iterm2-website#51 being pushed out to the website.

## Hello! - Vote on this issue by adding a 👍 reaction - If you want to implement this feature, comment to let us know (we'll work with you on...

needs triage

`step-ca` currently has an OpenID Connect provisioner, but not all Identity Providers support OIDC. SAML is the other major SSO protocol used in enterprise, and it would be nice if...


While it is a common misconception that is the only IPv4 loopback address, the entire block is considered loopback. It would be nice if Address4 provided an `isLoopback()`...

It would be nice to be able to install ghostunnel on Macs using Homebrew. To this end, it would be appreciated if you could submit a formula to Homebrew's [core...

[The setting in .osx]( to disable .DS_Store file creation on network drives doesn't work correctly. The line reads: ``` defaults write DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool true ``` Unfortunately, as per [the...

The documentation indicates that certigo supports both JKS and JCEKS keystore files, but it appears to only support JCEKS files: ```shellsession scapeless:jkstest elyscape$ keytool -genkeypair -keystore keystore.jks -storepass password -keypass...

#### Summary It would be nice if Remind Bot were available in the Mattermost Plugin Marketplace. #### Describe alternatives you've considered This isn't really applicable. I guess the alternative is...

`mmctl` has `channel make_private` to make public channels private, but no opposing `channel make_public` command.