Results 89 comments of Eli Young

See also: #2563, possibly #2306 and #2180.

> there is probably a new way to install gems in puppetserver 4 Not that I'm aware of. It's interesting that this worked.

Most likely this is a result of newline issues. This would probably be fixed by replacing [line 60 of encrypt.rb]( with the following: ``` ruby[:file], 'rb') do |file|

Actually, hm, there might be other places where we'd need to set things as binary. I'll need to do some digging.

@gburjan I have a fix almost ready. I just need to write some spec tests for it and then I'll be submitting a pull request.

Testing has turned out to be more complicated than I anticipated. I should have something ready sometime in the next day or two.

That's likely the problem, yeah, but not on that line. I don't believe it's valid to have the encrypted values be blank. Decrypted values, though, should be fine when blank....