Kostromin Igor
Kostromin Igor
You can try to use one `Panel` instance instead of `WindowsHost`. And then add to this Panel two children panels, for example. But I didn't test scenarios like this for...
Hi ! I think it will be a good solution. Wouldn't it be easier to remove this check at all ? https://github.com/elw00d/consoleframework/blob/e6300d203620202e1443dd96687e45ba3242fdf1/ConsoleFramework/ConsoleApplication.cs#L977-L981 (with emptying the queue in Dispose, as you...
Ok, let's take your plan )
wow I even wouldn't think about use cases like this ) LoadFromXaml method tries to load content from embedded resource. If there is no assembly, there is no embedded resources....
Hi, sorry for the late answer What problem are you trying to solve ?
IMHO using WPF seems not to be a great choice since WPF is not cross-platform and doesn't evolve forward, effectively frozen. What I know about Avalonia is that it is...
Unfortunately, `Menu` is constructed using popup window to display menu items. And this popup is displayed as regular window (by calling `WindowsHost`), so menu items are not direct children of...
Did you use `OneTime` binding mode to bind `OpenTimeServiceWindowCommand` ? OneTime binding works only when object is being created from xaml. May be you need `OneWay` binding ? And it...
I think GuiBash is not the best choice to run TUI apps compiled for Windows ) GuiBash is designed to run cross-compiled unix programs and does not guarantee that all...
Workaround for this bug: use StdInstantiatorStrategy. It doesn't call constructors.