Thanks for the detailed explanation @srvrguy ! Would there be a "patch" short term or another release that changes the version of commons-text include. I understand that OSS is best...
I also have the same issue on windows 10. Extension version 0.1.9 . Azure data studio 1.47.1
@srvrguy Hello Michael! Just trying to check and see if you think you can still be on "target" for mid-November release of the fix? Our security teams want to have...
@srvrguy Thank you for the quick response, Michael! Much appreciated!
@vania-pooh Hello Ivan . From cm perspective the important parameter is --config-dir . The entire command is `cm.exe selenoid start --config-dir "C:\\selenoid\\config" --vnc --args "-limit 10 -session-attempt-timeout 2m -service-startup-timeout 2m...
@vania-pooh That did not work. It seemed to just add folders in windows. For now I ended up copying the browsers.josn I want under the default directory cm creates. I...
@vania-pooh Well, theoretically it is a work around. In my mind though this is docker volume translation issue and a setting of docker. I guess the workaround works, but ideally...
@vania-pooh I will see if i can get it upgraded and tested. Thanks !
@vania-pooh Understood. No issue