Hi, First, I would add `print(_response)` after `print('There is no valid response')` so that you can see what is wrong with the response. Maybe that leads to a solution. Otherwise,...
Hi, If you really wanted to use the messages, you would have to modify [dwx_client.py](https://github.com/darwinex/dwxconnect/blob/main/python/api/dwx_client.py) where ever it prints order information. However, it would be better to just use the...
Some of the feedback we got for the ZeroMQ package was that clients would like to have a simpler solution that can easily adjusted for other programming languages.
Hi, If you call the `get_historic_data` function, the respond should trigger the `on_historic_data(self, symbol, time_frame, data)` function of the `tick_processor` class as in the [example script](https://github.com/darwinex/dwxconnect/blob/main/python/examples/dwx_client_example.py). Per default it just...
You can subscribe to bar data for multiple symbols, but only request historic data for single symbols. However, you can just send `get_historic_data` in a loop for multiple symbols. The...
You could store the last trade time and only allow a new trade after x minutes.
Hi, The [mql code](https://github.com/darwinex/dwxconnect/blob/main/mql/DWX_Server_MT4.mq4) returns this error when the lot size is larger than `MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_MAXLOT)`. It seems that `MODE_MAXLOT` returned zero. My first guess would be that the symbol...
Hi, This section is for issues with DWX connect. I am maintaining this repo, but I am not an employee of Darwinex. Regarding the MT5 settings, I think it would...
Hi, Did you use the default file [dwx_client_example.py](https://github.com/darwinex/dwxconnect/blob/main/python/examples/dwx_client_example.py)? The functions `on_historic_data` and `on_message` have to be defined for the event handler (in this case class `tick_processor`) that is passed through...
Hi, Sorry for the late reply. Open/High/Low/Close is only available using bars, not ticks. Ticks are defined as only bid/ask. You could subscribe to bar data like this: `self.dwx.subscribe_symbols_bar_data([['EURUSD', 'D1'],...