Justin Giancola
Justin Giancola
Hey Brian, Thanks for the feedback. I like the idea of an overridable default queue name function even better. I can modify my PR to include that. However, I'm not...
I would expect queueing GET requests to be rather rare. I haven't used queued GET requests in any of my apps. The advantage you get from queuing POSTs and PUTs...
Okay. I'll update the PR shortly.
Apologies if this is a naïve question but is the passed in project ever used within the build file context or is it always just passed along?
Good point. I'll look into it.
Okay. I think the correct thing to do is to piggyback on `Resque.redis.namespace` and use the same namespace for resque-delayed's queue. I assume that you are using resque namespaces if...
Well, the queue name will be `"Resque::Delayed::internal"` for _anyone_ using resque-delayed right now, even those who have a namespace set with resque. Also, you don't have to use redis-namespace explicitly...
Yeah, resque will internally create a `Redis::Namespace` instance if you pass it a namespace via config or you can alternately pass in a `Redis::Namespace` instance directly that will get used...