Jan Elzein

Results 13 issues of Jan Elzein

Nice parser, would tell there are missing unicode escape chars - my test file generated by browser had'em (see bellow). And in case U R interested in speed and memory...

Hello, while adding testcases and removing duplicated found, you have some switched - pass/fail also when checking by online validator (https://jsonformatter.curiousconcept.com/). Is there any reason for that (except some valid...

Made import preview, with optional UnXor - nice to see under the hood sometimes :-) And there are 2 old fonts from ArduinoSimulator project in test folder. Got lof of...

What do you think about XOR compression ? Real font example with graphics in comments (v1, now there is improved v2). https://github.com/eltomjan/ETEhomeTools/blob/master/ArduinoSimulator/Font_big.h PR for original LCD https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_ILI9340/pull/19 Here graphical demo...


Všiml jsem si, že třeba u iTesco ignorujete slevy s CC, které jsou dost podstatné - proč ?

Napadlo mě zkusit klasický problém kus a jednotka a nesedí to... ![BananAlbert](https://github.com/topmonks/hlidac-shopu/assets/26919782/a581f775-e505-4324-9527-06d7585aba38) Nevím, kde ty ceny berete a vím, že Albert se běžně liší v kamenné a na webu, ale...

Fix of issue https://github.com/badlogic/heissepreise/issues/172

Strange bug **rawItems** and **items** could be **unrelated** - rawItems.length `>=` items.length ?? Index have nothing common for both arrays (random categories). https://github.com/badlogic/heissepreise/blob/4be086ef70ed2a2dee45e5201811e42a36a9a385/analysis.js#L247-L251

Hello Tim, I am sending small bugfixes of original rapidxml and my latest speed improvement. My test (VS2008/Win/i7) spent 1/2 time parsing and on nVidia Tegra T20 (Colibri T20 COM/Ubuntu)...

Zkusil jsem si udělat index přes obchody a ID a z něj vygenerovat statistiku cenové hladiny a extrémů... http://cykly.aspfree.cz/ Zdroják ```JS var o = {}; var js; function run() {...