Jan Elzein
Jan Elzein
Found interesting workaround - in case you need to move something for a bit left or right, you can add short code to JS (abcjs_basic_6.0.0-beta.8.js) and using dragging.html example... Then...
Maybe it would be easy / handy to have some editable metadata - even now it is possible to edit generated HTML sheet in SVG editor, but in case there...
PR is prepared (import with default, but optional UnXor). Now whole font is a bitmap, last byte is size of block, offset in glyphs point to bit (but also substracted...
Done !!! It was not so complicated to translate C# back to JS. - packed is autodetected no need for separate button anymore - unXor optional feature - does not...
Made also a demo in meantime here [eltomjan.github.io ... Adafruit-GFX-Font-Customiser.htm](https://eltomjan.github.io/JStoolsSPAdemos/Adafruit-GFX-Font-Customiser.htm). I respect your preferences - this great repo is your... - ok if you think there is any benefit or...
Finished test in Wokwi simulator (FreeSerifBoldItalic9pt7b) https://wokwi.com/projects/394882822504014849 [XorPack changes](https://github.com/eltomjan/ETEhomeTools/commit/a76594747129245b2c726e081326b528dc2c0d4b) commit (change from default GFX to XorPacked font on ILI9341) - changed files are in project folder(s)
In case you do not have time, just give me instructions how to update PR and I can do that. I do not like jQuery as it does not bring...
My C# translation seems to pass the report now and takes less time comparing 2 original: https://github.com/eltomjan/ETEhomeTools/tree/master/CSharp/GasonC%23
Díky, pak ale sledujete ceny, které jsou vcelku bezcenné :-) Krom lidí, kteří mají problém s internetem (registrací), zapomenou kartu nebo možná turistů snad nikdo neplatí o desítky procent vyšší...