Elson Yuen
Elson Yuen
Created and migrated to the "devfile" slack channel (https://kubernetes.slack.com/archives/C02SX9E5B55) in the Kubernetes workspace.
@amye Regarding "Website: Analytics transferred to [email protected]", can you clarify the requirement? Our website (landing page and docs) currently does not have the analytics set up but we do have...
> * Is your project in its own separate neutral github organization? Yes, it is. The org is: https://github.com/devfile
> @amye Regarding "Website: Analytics transferred to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])", can you clarify the requirement? Our website (landing page and docs) currently does not have the analytics set up but we do...
> * Website: Analytics transferred to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) @amye After reviewing the telemetry policy and consulting with the LF legal team, our current telemetry in the devfile project meets the telemetry...
> I can see that Devfile's color icons (both [png](https://github.com/cncf/artwork/blob/master/projects/devfile/icon/color/devfile-icon-color.png) and [svg](https://github.com/cncf/artwork/blob/master/projects/devfile/icon/color/devfile-icon-color.png)) are just a small portion of the image area which makes them look rather bad as devstats icons,...
Need to wait for the devfile-api issue.
The same clean up needs to be done on portal and installer.
@schultzp2020 is currently investigating if we can do the redirect. We'll keep this item up-to-date
The redirect has been implemented.