Duplicate of #162, approach there seems more generic to me
Are you compiling with inkplate10v2? The i2cRead errors point to a problem talking to the IO Expander or the PSU for the ePaper.
The PCAL6414 on the Inkplate10v2 is in the library that is used by homeplate https://github.com/SolderedElectronics/Inkplate-Arduino-library/blob/7.0.0/src/include/Pcal.cpp Could you post your config.h? And for the COM4/Zugriff verweigert: Is the Inkplate visible after...
Could you try to build debug, once with -DARDUINO_INKPLATE10 and once with -DARDUINO_INKPLATE10V2 (https://github.com/lanrat/homeplate/blob/4d50ca996f47e8e20787bbf60eeef125b4ea2d14/platformio.ini#L64C3-L64C23) Do you have a battery attached? Another try: comment out the ONE_MCP_MODE - I can't find...
Could you try a demo project from the Inkplate Library? As the thermistor is in the PMIC (TPS65186) of the eInk and this is written via I2C during the bootup...
Yes, sounds like sth. is wrong with the device unfortunately.