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Hi, I have built graphviz 2.38.0 from source. I am using ubuntu 1404. Installation is missing "pdf" plugins. I tired all options in documentation. Kindly help to resolve this issue....
Dear GraphViz developers, We were migrating our software that uses "dot" for graph generation to another RedHat Linux machine. I was puzzled by the fact that the same code behaved...
Hello! My problem is to draw euler's diagram from data. I found an info on the Internet, that gvmap can generate euler's diagrams, how can it be established? There's no...
I always got a message after clicking the link The page isn't redirecting properly Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a...
Ported Issue from Mantis Original ID: 2572 Reported By: candlerb SEVERITY: IMPORTANT Submitted: 2015-10-09 15:47:27 ## DESCRIPTION If a dot graph includes edge labels, it can cause other edges to...
Here is the shortest example that crashes: Code: ```dot digraph segfault { rankdir = LR; subgraph cluster_module { one [shape=record, label="{foo|bar}"]; two [shape=record, label="foo|bar"]; } one:bar -> baz; edge [constraint=false];...
I have in dot PS [label = ] or PS [label = ] If I generate png is ok but on svg is big "S" letter this error is for...
Ported Issue from Mantis Original ID: 1843 **Referenced attachment(s) only available in original Mantis DB** Reported By: Bernhard Seybold SEVERITY: MAJOR Submitted: 2010-03-22 08:13:11 OS: X86-WINDOWS-WIN7 X64 VERSION: 2.26.3 ##...
Ported Issue from Mantis Original ID: 2471 Reported By: perlindgren SEVERITY: CRASH Submitted: 2014-07-23 20:17:14 OS: OSX MAVERICS/ UBUNTU 12.04 PLATFORM: OSX/LINUX ## DESCRIPTION ``` libpath/shortest.c:324: triangulation failed libpath/shortest.c:192: source...
I was about to checkout Graphviz but the site appears to be down.