Results 15 comments of elliottwu

Hi! First of all, thank you for putting efforts in this! I'm keen to learn about this as well. I have not tried SoftRas yet, but I would not expect...

I see! Have you tried to train with SoftRas on the full training set? Does it still not work well?

Hi! Evaluation metrics can computed only when you have ground truth depth maps, such as in the provided synthetic face dataset. After running the test code with `run_test: true` and...

We used a synthetic face model to obtain ground truth depth maps for evaluation. We do not have cat face datasets with ground truth depth maps, and cannot evaluate the...

Cool! There are various ways of converting depth maps to meshes, which can be stored as an .obj file. We have a piece of code in the demo, which does...

You should crop the images for better results. The MTCNN face detector ([facenet]( is a good option. The demo code provides a cropping scheme:

Hi! I suppose the depth maps are super noisy. Try adding a smoothing term and see if it helps to regularize the training. The smoothing term is not necessary in...

> Hi! > I train a model using trian_celeba.yml provided by you without other changes, only change the batch size from 64 to 32.(because my memory has only 8G) >...

> I have the same question,I trained my model using train_celeba.yml, but I can't get the result as the pretrained model.And then I try to increase the epoch numbers to...

Hi, @dafuny! I have double checked the parameters and tested the code on two different machines. The results are consistent with those released. Would like to share your training details...