Spencer Elliott
Spencer Elliott
@FrankSalad Sorry for the late response. I've added you as an owner for https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-healthkit
Got it working; see https://github.com/chjj/tty.js/issues/129#issuecomment-71268992
Unfortunately I didn't get too far since I ended up blocked by that issue, and ended up not using Bazel due to other circumstances as well. This is what I...
Having this issue as well. The `.vercel/output` folder contains the unexpected path ``` .vercel/output/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]_mqvh5p7ejg4taogoj6tpk3gd5a/node_modules/next/dist/server/next-server.js ``` Running `vercel build --prod`
I learned that you can alternatively set `VERCEL_ORG_ID` and `VERCEL_PROJECT_ID` as environment variables. See also https://vercel.com/guides/how-can-i-use-github-actions-with-vercel
Opened PR to support HMR in web workers: https://github.com/webpack/webpack/pull/1521
@paolorovella You don't need `var worker = new Worker("bundle.js");`. The RN debugger will load the bundle into a web worker for you; try out the [rn-0.12-hmr/Examples/BabelES6](https://github.com/mjohnston/react-native-webpack-server/tree/rn-0.12-hmr/Examples/BabelES6) example.
Just pushed an update to [rn-0.12-hmr/Examples/BabelES6](https://github.com/mjohnston/react-native-webpack-server/tree/rn-0.12-hmr/Examples/BabelES6): it now uses the changes from https://github.com/webpack/webpack/pull/1521 instead of the hack.
@niftylettuce You also need `target: 'webworker'` in your webpack config, e.g. https://github.com/mjohnston/react-native-webpack-server/blob/rn-0.12-hmr/Examples/BabelES6/webpack.config.js#L7 I'm happy to help on [Discord#react-native-webpack](http://www.reactiflux.com/) if you need more help :smile:
Hey @npomfret. I'm no longer using this project (and it's obviously missing most of the HealthKit APIs), but I'm open to transferring this project over to someone who can maintain...