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Fix hot module replacement for RN 0.12

Open elliottsj opened this issue 8 years ago • 32 comments

New in [email protected]: when using the Chrome debugger, the app bundle is now run inside a web worker:,

This means that an app bundle built with webpack's hot module replacement enabled will raise errors such as #99, and hot module replacement will fail.

I'm able to get HMR working on the rn-0.12-hmr branch by doing the following:

  • Use webpack-dev-middleware + webpack-hot-middleware instead of webpack/hot/only-dev-server + webpack-dev-server/client:

    webpack-dev-server depends on window.postMessage to broadcast "webpackHotUpdate" events to any loaded scripts (usually just 'webpack/hot/dev-server' or 'webpack/hot/only-dev-server'), which does not work in the context of a web worker since web workers have a different postMessage API. webpack-hot-middleware is an alternative which combines the functionality of both webpack/hot/only-dev-server and webpack-dev-server/client.

  • Patch webpack so it uses importScripts inside a web worker instead of the default behaviour of appending a <script> with the new hot-reloaded module:

    ~~Known issue: this inexplicable error is thrown every time a module is hot reloaded:~~ Edit: turns out this was caused by adding webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin() to the config twice instead of once (-‸ლ)

    screenshot 2015-10-11 15 07 53

    ~~Not sure why this happens; the original error message & stack gets lost somewhere.~~

Try out rn-0.12-hmr/Examples/BabelES6 for a working example.

My patch to webpack seems quite hacky; I think the proper solution is to make something like 'WebWorkerMainTemplate.runtime.js', but I don't know enough about webpack internals to know what to do here.

Does anyone have any ideas on the proper way to do HMR from inside the web worker? cc @gaearon @sokra

elliottsj avatar Oct 11 '15 19:10 elliottsj