Yes, instantly after clicking on "Start Podium installation". Below the configs... ---------Podium Config--------- 'podium' => [ 'class' => 'bizley\podium\Podium', 'userComponent' => 'user', 'adminId' => 1, ], ---------User Component--------- 'user' =>...
These are the complete rules (some of them are commented): 'rules' => [ '/' => 'site/index', 'login/?' => 'site/login', 'logout/?' => 'site/logout', 'faq/?' => 'site/faq', 'terms/?' => 'site/terms', 'privacy/?' =>...
The route `/podium/install/run` doesn't work... Should I comment this rule line to process to installation? The forum will work if I uncomment it later?
Yes http://localhost/myapp/site/contact is working My app is under apache2, which kind of details do you need to know about it?
[apache2_conf.txt]( .htaccess file: ``` Options -Indexes RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/?$ $1 Options +FollowSymLinks IndexIgnore */* RewriteEngine on # if a directory or a file exists, use it directly RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond...
Yes, the first rule works. My App is working since many years. I removed the previously mentioned UrlManager rule, got the same errors, even after removing the three rules ```...
[console_php.txt]( [web_php.txt]( Find attached config files...
OK, now the forum has been installed! Hope that this parameter will not impact my App.
I had the same problem/question... You can (if you didn't yet solve it) add `$newUser->email = Yii::$app->user->identity->email;` to `createInheritedAccount()` in the User model. It will copy the email from the...
Yes of course. I'm not giving enhancement but just a "solution" that each one can add himself to the code (and customize) to solve the problem if it's urgently needed.