
Results 213 comments of ElKowar

is it possible to _only_ show the icon, and hide the text description? the redundancy is kind of unnecessary

I'd really love a solution that allows me to both specify a range of lines to display without requiring a label around it (i.e. the proposed "context" field on a...

I'd, like, love to fix this, but like.... I really don't know how to like,... Phrase a normal sentence anymore

I've had a first look through the code right now, and this looks very promising! Not a fan of the amount of `.unwrap` / `.expect` calls currently, but I assume...

I'd think if you wanted to put some GTK stuff into your crate, it might be worth it to actually make a second crate (`gtk-stray` or sth), to keep the...

This should most likely be fixed by https://github.com/elkowar/eww/pull/217 which allows some more control over how the windows are reported to the WM. That PR will most likely just be included...

Hmmmmmmm, I'm not all that familiar with the differences between glibc and musl in these contexts, but that's definitely weird. Any more hints at what could cause this would be...

So does this just work? Or is there still anyone having issues when specifying the target explicitly

Damn, this is huge! Love it, and thanks a lot already for all the effort you put into this! I was planning to implement something like this before, already, very...

yea, exactly, that's how the IDs would have to look I think that if we had #324 we'd not need _global_ per-window variables, those would just need to be passed...