Pepper Lebeck-Jobe
Pepper Lebeck-Jobe
@adammurdoch, I'm skeptical that we need to support use case 3. from your list. Do you have a specific suggestion for a "refined" title for this epic? I assume you...
I was thinking that the scope of this epic would be to cover both of those sets of features.
Changed the Title and Description of this Epic to cover use case 1. Added #48 to cover use case 2. Moved #40 from this epic to the other one.
When I attempt to send a `POST` request to `/api/subscribers/lists` with listmonk version 2.0.2, I'm getting back a 405 error: ``` 405 Method Not Allowed 405 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[33]...
Ah. I think, according to the code. It's expecting `PUT` not `POST` requests.
Oh. Also, it looks like the field that you called "subscriber_ids" above is actually just called "ids"
And finally, it looks like `status` should be `confirmed`, `unconfirmed`, or `unsubscribed` not `subscribed`.
@knadh, I thought about forking and contributing the documentation update that would advertise these API endpoints. But, I think the docs must be in another repository. Is it public?
@drazisil, I updated this pull request to fix the problem you were seeing in CodeClimate