Matt Silverlock

Results 27 issues of Matt Silverlock

I've fixed a couple of inconsistencies between the documentation in the README and the implementation of `SecureUser`. Previously: the docs referred to `SecureUserFunc`, which does not exist. I've changed the...

To support upcoming versioning support in the Go toolchain (beta in 1.11, prod in 1.12) - - [x] Add a `go.mod` file to this repo - [ ] Tag a...


Tests should be able to run, in part, without a running Redis instance via mocks. - [x] Support configuration of Redis address for tests via env vars - [x] Configure...


MD5 hashes are easily brute forced (or bypassed with a rainbow table) - especially so when unsalted. I strongly suggest changing your [Custom Authentication]( example to use Go's [bcrypt package](,...

Provide a way to inject annotations into a Pod on admission: - [ ] Accept a `map[string]func(*corev1.Pod) string` argument so that the user can build names based on the Pod...


We should add: - [x] A Table of Contents to the README (it’s lengthy!) - [ ] An `_example.go` of an AdmitFunc + server in < 65 LoC - [...


The README now has an example for a `DenyDefaultLoadBalancerSourceRanges` that denies implicitly set `loadBalancerSourceRanges` fields - e.g. ```go // DenyDefaultLoadBalancerSourceRanges denies any kind: Service of type: // LoadBalancer that does...


We should add an AdmitFunc that supports denying container URLs with “latest” or (optionally) without a digest/hash. This speaks to the determinism of providing a hash rather than a mutable...


Chrome Version 90.0.4430.93 (Official Build) (x86_64) Steps to reproduce: 1. Visit 2. Create a phrase + join 3. Observe an uncaught exception in the console 4. Attempting to join...

The Gorilla Toolkit is looking for a new maintainer (or maintainers, plural). As the last standing maintainer of the project, I no longer have time to fully dedicate to maintaining...

help wanted
waiting on new maintainer