Eliseu Borges
Eliseu Borges
Executing dephpend from docker I've received **Syntax error, unexpected T_STRING on line 5 in file /inspect/app/Enum/MyClass.php**. ```
I was wondering if would be possible generate PHPDoc block properties for model classes based on respective database table columns. Example: ``` /** * Class User * * @property integer...
Hi @255kb, Nowadays is very common async communication between micro services like the scenario bellow: **AppA** requests **AppB** and **AppB** responds with http 202. After processing (X seconds), **AppB** responds...
Fix bug error when updating the quantity or remove an item from the cart
Hi Luis, Do you think it could be possible to provide support for PlantUML like this: https://plantuml.com/class-diagram? PHPStorm and VScode has plugin to support this format, so it could be...