Elise Kalstad
Elise Kalstad
**Describe the bug** As an applicant, I can start a program application but not submit it. A CiviForm Admin can make changes to the program application (add eligibility conditions, translations,...
Residents may have challenges navigating CiviForm. A focus group of CBOs recommended having a phone number that residents can call to get additional help with CiviForm **Describe the solution you'd...
Ahead of the design work for the "Search for TI to help" feature, it would helpful to know: 1) How do residents find someone to help them? 2) How are...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** City programs would like to be able to reference a map within an application. For example, the Seattle Preschool Program...
#### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. As a trusted intermediary, I may be relying on my phone or tablet when working with clients. The TI...
We now have a phone number question type. However, programs that were set up before that feature went live still use the old phone number question. The old version is...
#### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. The Address Question type does not currently indicate which parts of the address are required. And the text "Note:...
#### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. There are multiple programs that are slated to onboard to CiviForm by the end of 2024. Those programs will...
**Describe the bug** A resident completing an application could select a date far out into the future as their birthday **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Go to...
**Describe the bug** As a Program Admin, I want to see the name someone entered as the parent enumerator for a set of repeated questions. (The $this). The data in...