Elise Kalstad
Elise Kalstad
OIRA recommended using an approach similar to the work they did with CBOs to help clients apply for direct cash assistance. Working with OIRA to better understand outreach efforts, contracting,...
I updated the product document to include feedback we received from program staff: Problem: The CSV export of all columns (corresponding to all questions in the form) is more information...
This was a feature requested by a community feedback group on 2/9/2022.
Idea: Could have a separate question type that is just "image".
I am unable to act as both a CiviForm Administrator AND Program Administrator. Without this access, I have a hard time troubleshooting issues that Program Admins face. I often cannot...
Hi @azizova-leyla -- It's not a concern to have CiviForm Admins access PII (approved by Seattle's Privacy Team, common practice with other applications used in the City). It allows us...
@gwendolyngoetz -- Are we good to close this one?
Continues to be an issue for the programs onboarded to CiviForm.
@thomasphung Are you still working on this feature? Not to worry, if not! This is a priority feature for the Seattle programs, just want to see how we can support...
Received this same recommendation from Seattle Parks and Recreation and the Age Friendly Programs. Problem Statement: Program Admins spend time cleaning up addresses because applicants can free-type different variations of...