Elise Kalstad
Elise Kalstad
[Support mapping locations.pdf](https://github.com/seattle-uat/civiform/files/8483032/Support.mapping.locations.pdf)
Fresh Bucks mentioned it would be helpful to show a map of addresses that ARE within the Seattle City boundaries: https://www.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html?useExisting=1&layers=648c2d358afb48b3b95130a5a95405be
@elisekalstad Research: 1) What are the allowable maps? 2) What are the DEEL/SPR business requirements? 3) Which map service to use?
@elisekalstad Needs to review linked prd/requirements with DEEL before moving forward. @isabelcshaw To consider for global implementation
Hi @ldinhcos -- Assigning this to you just as a test to see if you can see new github features :) I'll take you back off of it! This was...
@swatkat1 Did I capture this accurately? Anything else to add?
@msprenke For awareness
@gwendolyngoetz -- Does XL sound right for this one?
I reviewed the requirements from our records management office and can confirm that the policy states that the city must retain records for 6 years after the resident exits from...
Need to review. Question: What about applications that are NOT submitted?