Elise Kalstad
Elise Kalstad
[State selector.pdf](https://github.com/civiform/civiform/files/9933657/State.selector.pdf) Just highlighting that it would be helpful to have a state selector with all 50 states plus territories, following the USPS guidelines: https://pe.usps.com/text/pub28/28apb.htm?_gl=1*ghw7cv*_ga*MTMxOTA1NjI3Ny4xNjY3NTE2NDky*_ga_3NXP3C8S9V*MTY2NzUxNjQ5Mi4xLjEuMTY2NzUxNzA5My4wLjAuMA..
One pilot idea could be working with low-income housing authorities in Seattle to pilot this work (Seattle Housing Authority, Low-Income Housing Institute).
@nbeloglazov Good question! The applicant should not be able to override it; it should be hard coded. (Sorry for the slow response!)
@nbeloglazov How about "persistent"? or "constant"?
@cassandralfernandes: Program Staff are very excited about the STATUS feature! They're wondering if it might be possible to add a "sender" email too. Perhaps for a future iteration of the...
@shanemc-goog Good question! I think the CiviForm Admin should be able to set the "sender" email when they create/edit statues.
@shanemc-goog Good point of clarification! I picture the same flow as the Status Feature; that is, the CiviForm Admin is the only one who can set or change the email....
@shanemc-goog --Yeah, we deleted it from the attachments since there is City-specific server and database information, just to be careful. I know @gwendolyngoetz is working on this one, I'll check...
Hi All, Good questions and apologies for the slow response. Here are my thoughts, happy to hop on a call today, if that's easier: **Recommendation:** If possible, keep it consistent...
Hi @jessbumblebee, All good questions! I hope this provides clarification, let me know if it doesn't though. Always happy to chat :) 1. I added a few labels to clarify...