Eli Saado

Results 30 comments of Eli Saado

I wonder if multiline support has been added

This is how I've seen it in other editors (like microsoft Word): each time you go to a new line (by pressing the return key), a new math container is...

Honestly, this should be the job of the client, e.g. a browser extension, or an independent `/health` that shows a dashboard.

I see. I think the following module can be used with just the normal json as input, then you can use the output in res.render. https://www.npmjs.com/package/json-pretty-html

I have the same issue, half my page is missing when I use >2 SVGs in it

Same, when I apply the theme via gnome-tweak-tool (Ubuntu 17.10 uses Gnome instead of Unity), it gives a lot of warnings and the themes looks, well uhm, I'll post a...

My solution was to change the intensity of both threads to 64, if that works, try 128, if that works try 256 etc. etc. until it doesn't work anymore.

I had to disable openssl in cmake (`cmake . -DOpenSSL_ENABLE=OFF`)