Eliott Paris
Eliott Paris
Hi, first of all, thanks for this library ! Sorry if I'm missing something obvious, but I'm wondering how I can simply handle reserved keywords in my grammar with Arpeggio....
need to fix several issues with hoa.gain~ object when compiled against the new max-api: - preset disabled (the method binbuf_vinsert does not exists anymore) - error message when instantiated :...
On Max, warning like the following are not well formatted in the Max Console making it harder to understand what is wrong: ``` node.script:[33mwarning:[0m non mapped LedBi state_led_r [33mwarning:[0m non...
`gen~` was introduced with Max 6 but Node4Max was only introduced in Max 8. As we rely on Node in max to configure and build a `gen~` patcher, the minimum...