Elina Keränen

Results 5 comments of Elina Keränen

@liamdebeasi Thanks for the links, I'll check them out. I also mentioned that the same issue applies also when I wrap the components in div, do you have a comment...

That change seems to be strictly for cases when you have only one functionality, ie. all items have label and radio button. However, my issue is with having multiple functionalities...

The way I managed to hack this with strict TS, is ` ` and ``` public getHeight(): any { return '100%'; } ``` Angular HTML templates don't allow ignoring TS...

xxl breakpoints are also needed in all Ionic projects in my company. It's pretty easy to customize them for example like this, ``` @media (min-width: 1600px) { [size-xxl-4] { -webkit-box-flex:...