Eli Gundry
Eli Gundry
Hi all, love the hook. We are using it with Gatsby and from v2.0.3 backwards, we were able to use it with [gatsby-plugin-google-tag-manager](https://www.gatsbyjs.com/plugins/gatsby-plugin-google-tagmanager/) which inlines the GTM inclusion script into...
Custom fields now can have titles and stuff!
I tried running tests against the latest master and they seem to be broken. Here is my shell output: ``` shell $ python setup.py test running test Searching for marshmallow>=2.9.0...
I'm really digging this extension, as it cuts the load time on a lot of my favorite websites. My only wish is that it could be a little more configurable....
We started out using https-portal as a reverse proxy for local development of our applications so that we could use self signed certs to meet the requirements of some of...
Hi there, one of the developers on my team started getting errors in the 1.18 release. We reverted their https portal image to 1.17 and that fixed the issue. They...
## Changes - Completely replaces superagent with Node's/the browser's `fetch` function. - This is a major version change, IMHO, as the application using this will now need to be in...
Hi all! Love the library and have been using it a bunch for a personal project. I tried to use it with Cloudflare Workers and, weirdly, Superagent does not seem...
Hi, huge fan of your library. I went ahead and [forked it](https://github.com/eligundry/cache-manager-better-sqlite3) to meet the following needs: - Make it work with cache-manager@5, which simplified the storage contract to be...