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Learn to use WebGPU for native graphic applications in C++
`opening` instead of `openning`
From the reading it seems the intention was to write `wgpuAdapterRelease(adapter);` as we are talking about releasing adatper here. wgpuAdapterRelease(adapter); instead of wgpuDeviceRelease(device).
Grammar correction to `is called Swap Chain` vs `of called Swap Chain`
// At the end of the frame wgpuTextureRelease(surfaceTexture.texture); Destroy texture to prevent memory leak after rendering.
At the bottom of https://eliemichel.github.io/LearnWebGPU/basic-3d-rendering/shader-uniforms/a-first-uniform.html# the link to resulting code "step039-vanilla" goes to https://github.com/eliemichel/LearnWebGPU-Code/tree/step039-vanilla which is a 404
Fix incorrect return type in function usage comment
Mostly small corrections/adjustments in spelling and grammar. A few suggestions for more natural prose that are of course subjective and may be ignored if deemed unnecessary.
To be fixed in this gist as well: https://gist.github.com/eliemichel/0a94203fd518c70f3c528f3b2c7f73c8
Thanks for the nice tutorial, it's been very easy to follow. Just a small issue I noticed so far regarding buffer alignment: Step 34 has a potential buffer overflow if...