Elichai Turkel

Results 84 issues of Elichai Turkel

This is fixing the option to decrypt encrypted Public keys, that were encrypted by vanitygen.

This is required when you need to know if you received a new value or an old one you've already seen

**Describe the bug** I have a test where I launch a `warp` server with websockets, and connect dozens of connections to it with `reqwest` and `tokio-tungstenite`, and I keep getting...

Hi, I'm trying to use Cavy, I followed the guide, and also tried the sample(after upgrading the gradle version there) The app launches but nothing else is happening and cavy...

A lot of the tests I have are using libfuzzer/cargo-fuzz to create test curposes, would be nice if I could run those under mutagen, obviously I could write a test...

Hi, This project looks really cool and I do love using open source projects, but in my opinion this app have one main drawback, It doesn't support gestures, e.g. double...


When using a VPN I see the following screen in `iirccloud-desktop`: ![Screenshot_20230511_122035](https://github.com/irccloud/irccloud-desktop/assets/2167860/a98b5f6a-25fb-4f7c-927e-80ba4cc83258) This prevents me to logging in and using the app, on the other hand the website shows a...

Adding cross testing against non-openssl implementation was suggested multiple times https://github.com/bitcoin-core/secp256k1/issues/691 I attempted to do it in https://github.com/bitcoin-core/secp256k1/pull/641 but there wasn't good consensus to add rust even to the testing...


Mutagen(https://github.com/llogiq/mutagen) is a cool tool that modify constants and control flows and checks if the tests actually fail under the modification, this allows to check how good are the tests,...


Hi, After I compiled and did everything I tried running the `sgx-ra-manager` and it seems like it only runs the manifest and not the python file itself. I opened an...