Elichai Turkel

Results 84 issues of Elichai Turkel

Hi, There are a lot of important dependencies in the rust ecosystem that use ffi to C fia the `cc` crate or similiar. which tools and targets currently support that?...


Edited after the merge of #472 Currently, the `is_canonical` check fully reduces the scalar and only then does a constant time comparison. This isn't really necessary and instead, we can...

Hi, I use `Failure::Error` in my code, and when I try to use `try!` on a function that returns an error from the `error_chain!` macro by the error-chain crate it...

Trying to build fails with the following error: ``` ❯ make dist "~/.nvm/versions/node/v16.14.2/bin/yarn" install yarn install v1.22.18 [1/4] Resolving packages... [2/4] Fetching packages... [3/4] Linking dependencies... [4/4] Building fresh packages......

Just doing: ``` cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4.1) include(FetchContent) FetchContent_Declare( Corrosion GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/corrosion-rs/corrosion.git GIT_TAG origin/master # TODO: Lock to a specific version in the future ) FetchContent_MakeAvailable(Corrosion) set(CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE ON CACHE BOOL "ON") set...

Hi, I used sputnikVM with the `sputnikvm-network-classic` patch of `HomesteadPatch` with `no_std` and it works just fine. But I tried changing to `ByzantiumPatch` from `sputnikvm_network_foundation`, and I got into std...


Hi, I sometimes get this error: ``` RPCError: Bitcoin JSON-RPC: Request Error: socket hang up at Bitcoin._wrapRPCError (/root/re2Node/node_modules/bitcore-node/lib/services/bitcoind.js:449:13) at /root/re2Node/node_modules/bitcore-node/lib/services/bitcoind.js:1958:28 at ClientRequest. (/root/re2Node/node_modules/bitcore-node/node_modules/bitcoind-rpc/lib/index.js:116:7) at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:107:17) at Socket.socketOnEnd (_http_client.js:300:9) at...

Hi, Segwit2x and UASF are coming soon. Are you planning on adding support for segwit? Any ETA on that? _Sent from my Samsung SM-G935F using [FastHub](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fastaccess.github)_

Hi, Is it possible to use Bitcoin core data for bitcore-node? (I tried just setting up a link and I got this error:) (I have txindex on in my Bitcoin...

support request

Hi, As a result of #739, I wrote a fuzzing harness so people can fuzz the library themselves if they want so. This is my first time playing with libFuzzer...
