Elias Carvalho

Results 9 comments of Elias Carvalho

Thanks for the tips @fonsp!

The PR #96 depends on fixing the following issue from the Transducers.jl package: https://github.com/JuliaFolds/Transducers.jl/issues/524 Implementation will be delayed until this issue is fixed.

Hi @DianaPat, my name is Elias. I'm one of the manteiners of the TableTranforms.jl package. I just left my comments on your PR. I hope it helps!

This PR depends on fixing the following issue from the Transducers.jl package: https://github.com/JuliaFolds/Transducers.jl/issues/524 Implementation will be delayed until this issue is fixed.

I have an idea. We can make a wrapper type to make Transforms mutable. Something like this: ```julia mutable struct Mut{T

Dear maintainers, appreciate if you can review and merge this small non-breaking generalization, it is holding back some advancements downstream. It would be great if you could release a patch...

I'm having the same problem implementing a new feature of TableTransforms.jl: JuliaML/TableTransforms.jl#96. Is this the expected behavior of `Map` @tkf?

Hi @SimonDanisch, I was using the `limits_from_transformed_points` function, but it seems to have disappeared in newer versions of Makie.jl. What would be the alternative to this function?

Like this? ```julia function Makie.data_limits(plot::ScaledImage) return boundingbox(plot) end ```