Dicha Zelianivan Arkana

Results 10 issues of Dicha Zelianivan Arkana

the current state is such a mess


yet another reminder


just a reminder issue, might fix this, might not, idk

It's quite common for a TODO to have an author, I was using treesitter comment parser and it can highlight the author name inside the parentheses. Currently I use both...


- `nvim --version`: NVIM v0.5.0-dev+1281-gecf075eb2 - `vim -u DEFAULTS` (version: ) behaves differently? does not have `nvim_open_win` and `winblend` - Operating system/version: Archlinux - Terminal name/version: kitty 0.20.2 - `$TERM`:...


I don't know if this should be implemented in a completion plugin or upstream, but I'd love if rofl could resolve `completionItem/resolve` so it can auto-import stuff for me (it's...

I think it makes sense to include Svelte and Vue for the `tag_matching` preset.

since there's https://shikiji.netlify.app/ now we should be able to write a polymorphic generate function which can highlight the code both on client side and server side for better experience

difficulty: medium

ntar sekalian aku setup CInya

Ini ngga pake bundler disengaja apa gimana? Soalnya menurutku lebih enak pake bundler biar bisa pake syntax modern sama minimize size bundlenya. Kalo emang sengaja ga pake bundler sih gapapa....