Eli Bishop

Results 20 issues of Eli Bishop

This may not really be a WireMock.Net issue, but I'm hoping that maybe someone can shed some light on what's going on. I'm trying to use WireMock.Net inside some .NET...


This Lexer method appears to have behavior inconsistent with its documentation. ```go // IsDelim returns true if there was no scanning error and next token is the given delimiter. func...

By "pretends to allow", I don't mean that easyjson is doing anything sneaky— just that I think the following situation should be treated as an error, and instead it is...


**Describe the bug** I'm trying to write a response with chunked encoding. Instead, what gets sent is a non-chunked response. This happens only if I use `HttpListenerMode.EmbedIO` instead of `HttpListenerMode.Microsoft`,...


The unit tests for our project are normally run with the `-race` option, because we do a lot of concurrency stuff and want to avoid subtle unsafe usages. When I...

Currently, `connect()` starts by setting `options` to the result of `parse(url)`, then it adds some more properties, and then it passes the object to `http.request` or `https.request`. However, while the...

I've got a Node project that's written in ES6 and uses Babel and Rollup. There's normally no problem in using imports from CommonJS packages (i.e. basically all Node packages). However,...

As noted in the [error handling](https://godoc.org/gopkg.in/gcfg.v1#hdr-Error_handling) documentation, it is reasonable for a programmer error— code that is trying to use gcfg in a way that cannot possibly work, like passing...

https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-30065 is showing up (in Black Duck scans) as a vulnerability in the version of busybox used by Alpine 3.16.0. I'm somewhat surprised that this hasn't been mentioned yet here,...

I'm groping in the dark here, I really have no idea at this point if the problem is JRuby or if I'm misusing httprb somehow, but here's the story. Short...