ccomp v3.11, v3.10, aarch64, -g3 -gdwarf-3: ``` typedef struct tt{ int i1:8; int i2:8; int i3:8; int i4:8; }tt; tt t; ``` (gdb) p t $1 = {i1 = 0,...
Use case: include doxygen directive through breathe sphinx extension strictoc _export_ or strictdoc _server_ error: problems when converting RST to HTML: :1: (**ERROR**/3) Unknown directive type "autodoxygenfile". .. autodoxygenfile:: test.c...
Hello, To enable duplicate key in btree, one can call btree.open(**flags=1**) after some tests we detected a coredump in _bt_delete.c_ You will find attached the patch: [bt_delete.patch.txt](https://github.com/pfalcon/berkeley-db-1.xx/files/1109537/bt_delete.patch.txt) When some duplicated...
### System information any version ### What is the problem that this feature solves? The https://github.com/onnx/onnx/blob/main/onnx/onnx-operators.proto defines the opset meta model. It does not seem to be instanciated (OperatorSetProto.onnx ?)...