## Short description How can I use dephell behind proxy? It seems to ignore `http_proxy`, `https_proxy` environmental variables or `pip`'s proxy configuration(`~/.pip/pip.conf`). ## Output `INFO build dependencies graph...` forever. While...
The `match()` method used to filter on relationship properties returns `NodeSet` according to [the document](http://neomodel.readthedocs.io/en/latest/module_documentation.html#neomodel.relationship_manager.RelationshipManager.match). But actually it returns `Traversal` (so you cannot call the methods of `NodeSet`, for example,...
`jdeps`と`jlink`を使い、配布JREを最小限のものにするのはどうでしょうか。 ``` $ jdeps --list-deps --ignore-missing-deps beatoraja.jar JDK removed internal API/com.apple.eio JDK removed internal API/sun.reflect java.base java.datatransfer java.desktop java.logging java.management java.scripting java.sql java.xml javafx.base javafx.controls javafx.fxml javafx.graphics jdk.unsupported ``` `JDK...