Edward Evans
Edward Evans
Hi @nicknamexiaozui, I'm just following up with you to see if you had a chance to try out @ctrueden suggested change to print out the classpath to help figure out...
Hi @UserA213, It would be helpful if you could tell us what system you're running (Windows 10? 11?), what version of PyImageJ you are using and how you installed it...
Did some playing around and the `clear` function is generating the extra space due to one or both of the sidebars (depending on the configuration). I originally thought that Firefox...
Looked around to see if anyone has done this for their github pages site and I can't find any examples. I'm not sure what the mediawiki site was using but...
> The simplest thing is probably to rename `synchronize_ij1_to_ij2` to `sync` and encourage people to call that whenever it seems like their data didn't get updated. Agreed, we should make...
Shutting down the JVM is a little more complicated than what I thought at first glance. Calling `jpype.shutdownJVM()` after disposing the ImageJ session with `ij.dispose()` results an strange delay/hang where...
Unfortunately I'm still getting a delay/hang on exit on Windows. Note that I'm using updated Windows 10 in an virtual machine (VirtualBox). After starting pyimagej and calling the GUI with...
We resolved the delay on exit on Windows by ensuring that we dispose of all windows prior to JVM shutdown. For whatever reason there seems to be a hidden window...
HI @axelalmet, Thank you for the thorough post on the issue. To me it looks like you're passing an invalid path to the `.tif` file. Are you sure you're giving...
@u2056710 Hello! What system are you on? I just replicated your code with a fresh download of Fiji and everything is fine on my end (Ubuntu 20.04 LTS). Some things...