1. Open Swap form 2. Specify From and To tokens 3. Change amount in the From field several times 4. Trace Price USD estimation and price impact behavior **Actual Result:**...
1. Open the tokens list 2. Press on the 'Manage tokens list' 3. Press on the 'Gear' icon in a list 4. Scroll the list **AR**: 1. Token list menu...
Reproducible in Chrome, Firefox Load the app and trance fonts **Actual Result:** Fonts are changing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Se8TBedzqvr-mlTcyP_A4uSXiVoRxABj/view **Expected Result:** 1. Fonts are not changing 2. Show a loader until all content...
I would like to propose to add a warning message before deleting all custom tokens. Currently, when user presses on the 'Clear all' button, all tokens are immediately disappear from...
'Custom token**s**' is displayed when only token is added. It would be nice to show 'custom token' instead. Or rewrite it as 'Custom tokens: < number >' 
Reproducible in Prod/Stage 1. Switch the expert mode on 2. Specify tokens in From/To fields, an amount to swap 3. Press on the Swap button 4. Cancel the transaction in...
Reproducible in Prod/Stage/Dev Open the app in Firefox 1. Specify From token and amount 2. Specify a To token 3. Approve sell token in needed 4. Press on the 'Confirm...
Reproducible in Prod/Staging/Dev 1. Run the game 2. Switch to the Swap form 3. Wait for a 1 minute 4. select any token in the From list **Actual Result:** endgame...
1. Open the app and select ETH token to swap 2. Select 'To' token 3. Enter an amount of ETH token > than in the balance **Actual Result**: 'Switch to...
Scoring and 'Game Over' message is in black and is hardly visible when switch to the dark mode.  It would be nice to change scoring and 'Game Over' message...