Erik D'Ercole
Erik D'Ercole
I can't fully understand permissions slug. Let's pretend I've got to manage a single permission, for example '_create users_', which I could attach to a role or to a single...
Sometimes code doesn't get indented at all. For example, this valid Sql statement (MySql): ``` select * from setup.trans_bases t join setup.hier_bases_total b on b.azienda=t.azienda and b.idhier_bases=t.idhier_bases_start and year(b.fine_validita)=9999 join...
- Deployer version: 7.0.0 - Deployment OS: MacOS 12.5 If GIT `` config property contains a **single quote** (e.g. "Erik D'Ercole", as my full name), Deployer exits with an error:...
Bran new Laravel Zero app. I try to add `pest-plugin-laravel`: ``` composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel-zero/laravel-zero movie-cli cd movie-cli composer require --dev pestphp/pest-plugin-laravel ``` I got a lot of messages like...
vendor/jackiedo/dotenv-editor/src/DotenvEditor.php:805 ```php 803▕ $dotenvPackage = array_values(array_filter($arrayContent['packages'], function ($packageInfo, $index) { 804▕ return 'vlucas/phpdotenv' === $packageInfo['name']; ➜ 805▕ }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_BOTH))[0]; ``` I need to build a Laravel Zero ( application and...
### Bug description I have a Laravel Zero application; `Laravel` menu is not showing in PHPStorm. I think because `laravel-zero/framework` is a `require-dev` dependency (while usually it's under `require`). I...
Fix "la repository" to "il repository"