electron-builder icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
electron-builder copied to clipboard

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Results 328 electron-builder issues
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* **Electron-Builder Version**: 23.0.3 * **Node Version**: 16.16.0 * **Electron Version**: 13.6.9 * **Electron Type (current, beta, nightly)**: current * **Target**: nsis We recently added `msgpackr-extract` as a new native...


This PR was opened by the [Changesets release](https://github.com/changesets/action) GitHub action. When you're ready to do a release, you can merge this and the packages will be published to npm automatically....

* **Electron-Builder Version**: 22.11.4 * **Node Version**: 14.17.6 * **Electron Version**: 18.0.3 * **Electron Type (current, beta, nightly)**: * **Target**: any electron-builder does not unpack node modules in vector-im/element-desktop. `"asarUnpack":...

* **Electron-Builder Version**: 23.0.3 * **Node Version**: 16.13.2 * **Electron Version**: 19.0.4 * **Electron Type (current, beta, nightly)**: * **Target**: window ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/33827314/173001752-ee5f97e7-4f59-4dc8-af0f-cd964765ae25.png) [reproduction](https://github.com/gjfei/electron-terminal)

* **Electron-Builder Version**: 22.14.5 * **Node Version**: 16.15.1 * **Electron Version**: 18.3.0 * **Electron Type (current, beta, nightly)**: current * **Target**: win nsis ia32 based on this PR https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder/pull/1173 Hi,...


* **Electron-Builder Version**: 23.0.3 * **Node Version**: 16.3.1 * **Electron Version**: 16.2.5 * **Electron Type (current, beta, nightly)**:current * **Target**: Windows 11 In my case, productName of my project is...

See here for more info: https://github.com/electron/fuses/issues/7#issuecomment-1150505740

I'm wondering if it's possible to sign all my executables with only one PIN prompt from my EV USB certificate, as specified in this documentation: (2.4 page 5) https://www.files.certum.eu/documents/manual_en/Code-Signing-signing-the-code-using-tools-like-Singtool-and-Jarsigner_v2.3.pdf The...


* **Electron-Builder Version**: 23.3.1 * **Node Version**: 18.6.0 * **Electron Version**: 19.0.8 * **Electron Type (current, beta, nightly)**: current * **Target**: the bug occurs for any target tested I went...


* **Electron-Builder Version**: N/A * **Node Version**: N/A * **Electron Version**: N/A * **Electron Type (current, beta, nightly)**: N/A * **Target**: N/A I'm trying to publish my app with Bitbucket...
