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electron-builder copied to clipboard

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Results 328 electron-builder issues
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electron-builder version=22.14.13 os=10.0.22631 vue2 window11 "electron": "^28.0.0", "vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder": "~2.1.1", ![image](https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder/assets/84569709/0e01de0d-bda1-4e01-89b6-ecf2394fd378) File: failed creating mmap of "D:\front\project\cipe-views\dist_electron\Cipe-1.0.0-ia32.nsis.7z" Error in macro ia32_app_files on macroline 1 Error in macro compute_files_for_current_arch on macroline 11...

[![Mend Renovate](https://app.renovatebot.com/images/banner.svg)](https://renovatebot.com) This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | [ejs](https://togithub.com/mde/ejs) | [`3.1.9` -> `3.1.10`](https://renovatebot.com/diffs/npm/ejs/3.1.9/3.1.10) | [![age](https://developer.mend.io/api/mc/badges/age/npm/ejs/3.1.10?slim=true)](https://docs.renovatebot.com/merge-confidence/)...


* **Electron-Builder Version**: 23.0.3 * **Node Version**: v16.20.2 * **Electron Version**: 22.3.4 * **Electron Type (current, beta, nightly)**: * **Target**: mac ``` Copying… could not access /Volumes/thing/Contents/Resource/sparsefile - No space...

* **Version**: 20.36.2 * **Target**: appx Build fails with error as below: ``` Error: Exit code: 1. Command failed: C:\Users\level7\AppData\Local\electron-builder\Cache\winCodeSign\winCodeSign-2.4.0\windows-10\ia32\makeappx.exe pack /o /f C:\Users\level7\Desktop\electron-softphone\electron\dist\__appx-ia32\mapping.txt /p cae0a702dee6d01422d41f5cc1a2734c26bf688087aaf5479190f7bb2aed5f60 (sha256 hash) Microsoft (R)...



* **Electron-Builder Version**: 24.13.3 * **Node Version**: v18.13.0 * **Electron Version**: 28.3.1 * **Electron Type (current, beta, nightly)**: current Target: Ubuntu/Snap Hi, When trying to use protocol handlers under a...

* **Electron-Builder Version**: * **Node Version**: * **Electron Version**: * **Electron Type (current, beta, nightly)**: * **Target**:

* **Electron-Builder Version**: 24.13.3 * **Node Version**: 20.12.2 * **Electron Version**: 29.3.3 * **Electron Type (current, beta, nightly)**: current * **Target**: linux I have set the `electronDist` key in the...