I`ve a similar problem since today with Windows 11 Pro. Unfortunately the "Memory Integrity" is disabled but problem still there ... ` * ABOUT XMRig/6.15.2 gcc/10.1.0 * LIBS libuv/1.42.0 OpenSSL/1.1.1l...
I second that, please integrate the Thermostat as climate entity. Thank you!
> There hasn't been any activity on this issue recently. Due to the high number of incoming GitHub notifications, we have to clean some of the old issues, as many...
> I assume you have already tried to remove the integration completely - and reinstalled it afterwards?... > > When you open the original web-interface of your senec -> can...
> ... so you say, that after a system update your senec device is ONLY accessible via http**s** - even from your LAN? Of course from my LAN.
> I spend almost the complete afternoon trying to get a working version of https://github.com/mstuettgen/homeassistant-addons/blob/main/senecweb2mqtt/senec_webgrabber.py with aiohttp (instead of request - since aiohttp is the core engine in HA -...