The oneshot module holds down the given key until interrupted by another keypress, but it only releases when the other key releases, which is when holdtap and co send the...
I have found that you can use vimscript to copy the buffer to the clipboard on mac: `vim -c 'autocmd VimLeave * %!pbcopy'` This works with gvim/macvim as well
I don't know if it is a typo, or if there was originally a library or something else but "sortBy" isn't a function and "sort" looks like what was supposed...
Control: `5é*` Count of 5, prints 5 asterisks https://tio.run/##K/v/3/TwSq3////rlgEA With : `5é*` Count of 5, decrement the count by 1 to get 4, but it only prints 1 asterisk https://tio.run/##K/v/39TGV1fX7vBKrf///@uWAQA...
When I try to compile ESP_Code.ino, it gives the error "ESP8266FtpServer.h: No such file or directory" I found the the file at [https://github.com/exploitagency/esp8266FTPServer/tree/feature/bbx10_speedup](https://github.com/exploitagency/esp8266FTPServer/tree/feature/bbx10_speedup), which is linked in a comment in...